
B - 17
Telephone Numbers
Telephone numbers are recognized when parentheses, slashes or hyphens are
used to separate the country code and/or area code from the actual telephone
number. Spaces and periods are allowed to separate groups of digits. The
telephone numbers are pronounced in groups of two or three digits, a pause is
inserted where a period or space occurs.
030/288 65 27 (030)2886527 030/288.65.27
0031/30/288.65.27 (+32)(52)226677 05780-12401
Telephone numbers may be preceded by the abbreviation "tel.".
Tel. 229 30 11 tel. (057)22.16.07
Bank Account Numbers
Bank account numbers are pronounced digit by digit when hyphens separate
the digit groups. The number will be read in groups of two or three digits.
000-1254887-87 123-4528098-34
Dates are recognized in the following format: day precedes month precedes
year. The day and the month are composed of one or two digits, the year of
two or four digits. The digit groups are separated by a period, a slash or a
1/1/2001 Eén januari twee duizend één
25.12.2000 Vijfentwintig december twee duizend
13-12-99 Dertien december negen en negentig
25/12/00 Vijfentwintig december twee duizend
Year that are composed of two digits, may be preceded by a quote.
01/01/'00 Eén januari twee duizend
Dates can also be specified in “written”, alphabetic formats.
13 dec. 2000 Dertien december twee duizend
25 febr. 2001 Vijfentwintig februari twee duizend één