
B - 27
Dates are recognized in the following format: day precedes month precedes
year. The day and the month are composed of one or two digits, the year of
two or four digits. The digit groups are separated by a slash or a hyphen.
3/3/99 3/3/00 08/02/99 8/2/2000 01/01/1999
8-2-99 8-2-00 08-02-99 8-2-1999 01-01-1999
The date can be preceded by "l'".
Time Indications
Time indications are recognized when one of the following formats is respected.
The hour indicator contains one or two digits, the minute indicator contains
two digits.
8:30 11:15 23:00
The time indication can be preceded by the strings "alle", "delle", "dalle", "h",
"le" and "ore.
alle 11:33 ore 11.33 h 11.33
Currency indications with L., Lit., LIT., $, £, ¥, DM and Pts. are recognized.
The currency symbol L. must precede the numeral (with a space), the cur-
rency symbols Lit., LIT. and Pts must follow the numeral.
L.40.000 40.000 Lit. 100.000 LIT.
$ 40,5 DM 7,50 120 £ ¥ 95
Other currencies must be written in full and follow the numeral. Alternatively,
you can program the IRISPen to for instance replace "F" by "franco" with the
"Character Conversion" command under the "Settings" menu.
A standard dictionary includes all common abbreviations. Ambiguous abbre-
viations are solved based on the linguistic context: "km" is pronounced as