
B - 32
Decimal numbers are equally declined in the nominative/accusative case.
Bank Account Numbers
Digit strings consisting of 5 to 15 digits are pronounced in clusters of two or
three cardinal numbers when they are preceded by one of the following en-
расчёmный счёm Текущиu счёт
сберегательныll счёт С б/счёm
These entries may be followed by a colon.
расчетный счет: 112-1223445-76
р/с: 2354545
т/с 65008903
You can also use hyphens to separate digit groups.
000-1254887-87 09-12548-1
Telephone Numbers
Telephone numbers are recognized when the country code is preceded by a
plus sign (+) and when brackets are used to separate the area code from the
actual telephone number. Use hyphens to separate groups of digits.
The digit strings in telephone numbers are read as cardinal numbers. Strings
of more than three digits are split into groups of two or three digits. Leading
zeros are pronounced separately.
(095)232-92-09 345-66-07
+7 (0822) 46-17-98 +7 (0822) 461 798
Digit strings of five digits or more digits - optionally containing hyphens - are
recognized when they are preceded by тел., факс or телефон. These entries
may be followed by a colon.
Тел.: 345-66-77 Телефон 46-1798 Факс: 461798