
2 - 2
This option is not compatible with the speech synthesis of the IRISPen Execu-
tive and the IRISPen Translator: you cannot produce system beeps and pro-
nounce the recognized text at the same time!
The line guide on the view window helps you scan accurately. Steady scan-
ning not only improves the recognition but is specifically useful when you want to
read text with limited interline spacing. The line guide allows you to isolate the
correct information: the IRISPen recognizes the text line closest to the line guide.
The pen button is a programmable command button: when you press the
button, you can execute a keyboard command, for instance <Enter>, add charac-
ters such as "$" etc. As you are scanning, you can execute necessary keyboard
commands directly with your IRISPen. As is the case with a computer mouse,
the single and double-click of the pen button correspond to different commands.
Line Guide
View Window
Start Switch
Pen Button
3chapter2.p65 2/16/2001, 3:23 PM2