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Translate to (IRISPen Translator)
Indicates the target language of the translation: you scan for instance English
text and translate it into French. Sentence translation is obviously limited to the
IRISPen Translator.
Bar Codes (IRISPen Executive)
Enables a mixed reading mode where bar codes are read alongside other
data. The parameter "Reading Mode" sets the primary reading mode, this option
determines whether you read bar codes at the same time.
Simultaneous bar code reading is limited to the IRISPen Executive.
Leave this option disabled for the time being.
Dot Matrix (IRISPen Executive)
This option determines whether you are recognizing “normal” or dot matrix
printed documents. Dot matrix recognition is limited to the IRISPen Executive.
Leave this option disabled for the time being.
Output Target
The recognized text can be inserted directly in the active application or trans-
ferred to the clipboard for later pasting.
Obviously, the clipboard can only contain the recognized text of the last scan!
A Windows application is mostly on the receiving end. Select "Application"
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