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clipboard, you can paste it directly in your application. On the down side, you
cannot retouch the contents of the clipboard!
Select the reading mode "Black-and-White Bitmap to Clipboard" or "Greyscale
Bitmap to Clipboard" in the IRISPen application window for direct image scan-
ning. (Note that you can no longer select an output target now!) Place the text
cursor in your Windows application and scan the graphic. A blinking status win-
dow will display the message "Image in Clipboard" for a few seconds to indicate
that the image has been copied to the clipboard.
Execute a paste operation to insert the image in your document. You can now
resize the graphic, move or align it etc. Is there a simpler way of inserting logos,
signatures, handwritten annotations etc. in faxes and letters?
3chapter2.p65 2/16/2001, 3:23 PM18