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“Letter quality” dot matrix printing, also called “25 pin” or “NLQ” dot matrix,
requires the normal setting, as do the printing qualities typeset, typewritten,
laser printed and inkjet printed.
The status window indicates whether the dot matrix reading mode is enabled
or not. Obviously, this option is disabled by default.
When you have a few lines of text, you are recommended to make use of the
"Alignment" button on the toolbar (or the "Alignment" command under the "Set-
tings" menu) and specify an ending code.
An ending code is any optional combination of characters and keyboard com-
mands which you add at the end, after the recognized text. To scan in a few lines
of text, you’ll normally select <Space> as suffix. Doing so ensures that you add a
space after each line automatically. If you read two lines, "The second line" and
"follows the first.", the resulting output is "The second line follows the first.". The
space after the word "line" has been added by the IRISPen software.
3chapter2.p65 2/16/2001, 3:23 PM33