
2 - 35
Also note that the pen button makes it easier to insert the scanned text at the
right location. When data is to be entered in, say, a database, the <Tab> key can
be assigned to the pen button to move the cursor to the next field. (The pen button
incorporates some other features which will be discussed later.)
The pen button and starting and ending code options allow you to execute
any combination of characters and keyboard commands: single characters and
character strings and one or more keyboard commands are allowed. Even com-
binations of characters and keyboard commands can be entered automatically
without touching the keyboard.
Another option, "Restore Paragraph", also concerns body text. When this op-
tion is enabled, hyphens at the end of a line are deleted and the ending code - if
one is defined - is ignored.
3chapter2.p65 2/16/2001, 3:23 PM35