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Let’s give an example to clear things up. When you read two lines, "The new
presi-" and "dent waved from the balcony.", the resulting output is "The new president
waved from the balcony.". The end hyphen of "presi-" was ignored and so was the
“normal” suffix <Space>. If the two following two lines are: "His lovely wife" and
"had joined him.", the output will be "His lovely wife had joined him.", with the space
after the word "wife" added by the IRISPen software as the normal ending code.
In other words, this option really does restore paragraphs by “recomposing”
hyphenated words and adding suffixes only where they are needed.
It is interesting to note that the IRISPen does more than recognize text: key-
board commands you want to execute on your computer system during the scans
are taken care of by the IRISPen software. There is no need to lose any time
recurring to the keyboard while you are scanning!
An additional problem when reading text may be that you scan clippings
from columnized articles in magazines. How do you isolate the target text com-
fortably? The "Alignment" command again offers the answer.
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