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There are four word cropping options: you can output all scanned charac-
ters, drop the first word (or incomplete word), drop the last word or drop both. By
default, all characters are retained.
The last option is particularly useful when scanning closely columnized text:
to ensure that you do not miss any significant words, you start scanning in the
previous column and end scanning in the next column. The IRISPen takes care
of deleting the unwanted word parts. In this way, you capture the correct infor-
mation without having to scan with great precision.
When you are reading text excerpts, it may be a good idea to enable the option
"Multilines" in the IRISPen application window. This option is limited to the
IRISPen Executive and the IRISPen Translator.
The scanned lines are “buffered” until they are inserted in the target applica-
tion (or sent to the clipboard). The user presses the pen button to “trigger” the
output process. After each scanned line, a blinking status window displays the
message "Press pen button to flush" for a few seconds. Only do so at the end of
a sentence or paragraph!
Note that you can start rescanning immediately, you can ignore this warning
An additional cropping function, "Ignore Rejected Characters in First and Last
Position", is useful when the IRISPen is used to capture key words.
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