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In this case, you will scan with more precision. If you start or stop a bit too
early, you have erroneously scanned part of a previous or following word, giving
you an unrecognized symbol. This option sees to it that these rejected characters
are ignored by the IRISPen. When the gutter between two columns is narrow, or
when wordspacing is reduced, this feature comes in handy.
Unrecognized characters are by default represented by a tilde (the "~" sym-
bol), but you can select a different symbol with the command "Unknown Symbol"
under the "Settings" menu.
Entering less than a line of text is certainly a major application of the IRISPen.
Think of scanning contacts and addresses from brochures, catalogs, business
cards in a database, contact or personal manager etc. The IRISPen is the easiest
and most practical highlighter imaginable!
3chapter2.p65 2/16/2001, 3:23 PM38