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When you enter data in a database, the possibility to add starting and ending
codes at the beginning and/or end of the recognized text is particularly useful.
When you choose for example the keyboard command <Tab> as ending code,
the cursor will reposition itself in the next field, ready for the next scan.
Imagine you want to add addresses to your contact manager. You scan the
company name: the IRISPen puts the company in the corresponding field and
relocates the cursor in the name field. You can go on with the person’s name, his
title, the address, telephone and fax number etc. without having to reposition the
cursor each time using the keyboard or mouse.
Here again, a “standard” OCR package falls short of this task as it does not
allow you to insert data directly in a database field. You have to generate a
structured text file which you import into your database later on. The IRISPen
effortlessly incorporates a flexibility which no other system can offer.
Let’s discuss some other suggestions concerning prefixes and suffixes: you
can use them to add text. A typical application is encoding price lists where you
add the currency, for instance "$" or "USD", to the figures you recognize. Or you
encode telephone numbers and the system adds "Tel: " in front.
All this means that the IRISPen does more than just recognize text, it also
completes and formats it for you!
The character conversion feature is additional proof of this. By character
conversion we mean that recognized characters are simultaneously replaced by
any combination of characters and keyboard commands: single characters and
character string, one or more keyboard command(s) or even combinations of
characters and keyboard commands are accepted. Characters can also be de-
leted (replaced by nothing). A typical application is eliminating the currency in a
price list.
3chapter2.p65 2/16/2001, 3:23 PM41