
2 - 45
In other words, you can recreate the typical table structure with rows and
columns by simply scanning line after line!
Mind you, this only works when continuous vertical bars separate the table
columns: the IRISPen software has to encounter a physical mark, detect a bor-
der between two columns.
Where the original document does not contain vertical bars, the easiest proce-
dure is to quickly add them with a pen and a ruler. Another solution is reading the
figures one by one and programming the pen button with the "Pen Button" button
on the toolbar. The single pen button click should be programmed as <Tab> - the
cursor is moved to the next cell - , the double-click as <Home><Cursor Down>
to start a new row.
In some cases, even the command "Character Conversion" from the "Set-
tings" menu can offer the answer as it allows you to replace scanned characters
3chapter2.p65 2/16/2001, 3:23 PM45