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The fact that the single and double click of the pen scanner button are pro-
grammed separately adds all the more flexibility! Let’s give some illustrations.
Imagine you are encoding addresses from business cards, brochures, catalogs
etc. you collected during a trade show in a database. Depending on the addresses,
some fields will be skipped. For some addresses, the country will be added, and
for others, it won’t, some contacts have an e-mail address while others don’t etc.
To encode these data efficiently, the single pen button click is programmed as
<Tab>, even though we already have <Tab> as ending code. The suffix <Tab>
moves the cursor to the next field automatically, and you click the pen button
once when a database field should be skipped. To start a new record when an
address was completed, you normally click a button with your mouse. Here, you
can program the double button click of the pen button to correspond with that
button’s shortcut.
3chapter2.p65 2/16/2001, 3:23 PM62