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Multiline scanning increases the “user-friendliness” of the IRISPen: sev-
eral lines are “buffered” before they get inserted in the target application. You
can send full paragraphs consisting of several lines to your Windows applications
at once. The multiline reading mode also leads to a more natural prosody: when
the text-to-speech module has to pronounce individual lines, rather than full sen-
tences, the intonation may be somewhat less than “human”.
Finally, the IRISPen Executive is equipped with advanced imaging features
to adjust the scanning to the color tones of the documents to be scanned. As you
can optimize the images generated by the pen scanner for the OCR process, a
much larger range of documents becomes legible. Think for example of docu-
ments where the colored background would otherwise render the recognition
The software-only upgrade to the IRISPen Translator offers the following
major add-on capabilities: speech synthesis in two languages, bidirectional sen-
tence translation of a language pair and multiline scanning.
The IRISPen Translator is a great tool for language learning and translation
aid: you encode and translate foreign language texts by scanning them, and you
hear the words spoken.
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