User's Manual

6) Press Phone Lock and press OK
7) When ‘On’ is chosen, there are two options.
z Verify when Power-on: Every time you must enter password
when power on
z Verify with new SIM: When you change SIM card, you enter
the password
11.3 Auto Key Lock
This feature allows you to lock the keypad to avoid being pressing without intention.
1) Press Menu > Settings
2) Press Security Setup and press OK
3) Press Auto Key Lock and press OK
z Off : You can turn key lock function off
z 5 Sec./10 Sec./30 Sec./60 Sec. : You can turn key lock
function on by selecting time. Key lock will be activated after
passing the selected time in the idle display.
11.4 Change Password
This feature allows you to change the password.
4) Press Menu > Settings
5) Press Security Setup and press OK
6) Press Change Password and press OK
7) You need to input three times. Old password, the new password
and confirmation. Every time you enter the input, press OK