Owner's manual

Chapter 3: Operation
Chapter 3 Operation
3-1. General Operation
3-1-1. Camera Basic Control Function
FastCam III offer basic function control by enter numbers on keyboard, for easy and fast command.
Enter/Exit On Screen
Press [Menu] button, “95 + [Preset] button” to enter OSD menu.
Press [Menu] button again to exit the OSD menu.
Start Auto Scan
Press [Scan] button or “99 + [Call] button”.
Start Auto Pattern
Press [Pattern] button or “100 + [Call] button”.
Start Auto Tour Group
Press [Tour] button, or press “76 + [Call] button” to start auto Tour
#1; “77 + [Call] button” to start auto Tour #2; . 83 + [Call]
button” to start auto Tour #8
Stop Scan/Tour/Pattern
Press [Scan]/[Tour]/[Pattern] button again; 96+ [Call] button” to
stop Scan/ Tour/ Pattern running.
Reboot Dome power
Press “101 + [Call] button”.
Reboot camera power
Press “102 + [Call] button”. (For SONY camera module only)
Home position
Press “76 + [Preset] button”.
Press [Aux 1] button to enable Heater or Heater & Fan or
Alarm output ; press [Aux 1] button again to stop the function .
Setup preset
Press “Number Key + [Preset] button” to setup the preset position.
Call preset
Press “Number Key + [Call] button” to view preset position.
Zoom in
Press [Tele] button, or turn the joystick clockwise until the
desired view occurs or limitation reached.
Zoom out
Press [Wide] button, or turn the joystick anticlockwise until the
desired view occurs or limitation reached.