User's Manual

5 | P a g e | (425)372-7811
Daily Best Practices
To ensure the highest level of data collection, we suggest the following best practices are
followed for each practice and game day when the CUE+ helmet sensors. It is recommended to
use the system in Live Mode.
CUE+ Product Specifications
0.6 oz
Impact Memory Storage
2,000 Impacts
Transmission Range
180 Yards (540 Ft) Live Data Streaming (915 Mhz)
Charging Method
30 Unit Bulk Charging Board
Battery Life
24 hours in Active Mode
Impact Monitoring
Location, Quantity, Severity
Mobile Accessibility
iOS, Android. Apple Watch
Impact Notifications
Uninterrupted, Real-Time
From the field, confirm Wi-Fi connection and connectivity to the
CUE+. Make sure SLM, SLR, and devices remain connected when on
the field. If status is green, your system is set-up and ready to begin
a session.
Once the practice or
game has ended,
select, end session (if
sessions have not been
pre-scheduled). This
will close the window
for displayable impacts.
Reports and analytics
can now be reviewed
in the Web Platform.
Make sure your CUE+ are in the charging board and charging
when not in use. Plug in your SLR into your windows computer
and use the Device Status page from the Web Platform to confirm
charging status and system connectivity.