
* Appendix
Recording of Parameters
Recorded date:
Category: a: Parameter relating to the actuator stroke range
b: Parameter relating to the actuator operating characteristics
c: Parameter relating to the external interface
d: Servo gain adjustment
No. Category Name Unit Recorded data
1 a Zone boundary 1+ mm
2 a Zone boundary 1– mm
3 a Soft limit+ mm
4 a Soft limit– mm
5 a
Home return direction
[0: Reverse / 1: Forward]
6 b Push & hold stop judgment period msec
7 d Servo gain number -
8 b Default speed mm/sec
9 b Default acceleration/deceleration G
10 b Default positioning band (in-position) mm
13 b
Current-limiting value during home
15 c
Pause input disable selection
[0: Enable / 1: Disable]
16 c SIO communication speed bps
17 c
Minimum delay time for slave transmitter
21 c
Servo ON input disable selection
[0: Enable / 1: Disable]
22 a Home return offset mm
23 a Zone boundary 2+ mm
24 a Zone boundary 2– mm
25 c PIO pattern selection -
26 b PIO jog speed mm/sec
27 c
Movement command type
[0: Level / 1: Edge]
28 b
Default direction of excited-phase signal
detection [0: Reverse / 1: Forward]
29 b Excited-phase signal detection time msec
30 b
Pole sensing type [0: Current
suppression / 1: Distance suppression]
31 d Speed loop proportional gain -
32 d Speed loop integral gain -
33 d Torque filter time constant -
34 b Push speed mm/sec
35 b Safety speed mm/sec
36 b Automatic servo-off delay time 1 sec
37 b Automatic servo-off delay time 2 sec
38 b Automatic servo-off delay time 3 sec
39 c
Output mode of position complete signal
[0: PEND / 1: INP]
40 c
Home-return input disable selection [0:
Enable / 1: Disable]