
6. Data Entry <Basics>
6.2 Explanation of Modes
6.2.1 Positioning Mode
Push = 0
The actuator moves to the target position set in the “Position” field of the position table.
6.2.2 Push & Hold Mode Push = Other than 0
(1) Work part was contacted successfully
Upon reaching the target position set in the “Position” field of the position table, the actuator moves at the push
speed for the distance set in the “Positioning band” field.
If the actuator contacts the work part while moving and the controller recognizes that “push action has
completed,” the position complete signal will turn ON.
The push speed is set by parameter No. 34.
The factory setting varies with each actuator in accordance with the actuator’s characteristics.
Set an appropriate speed by considering the material and shape of the load, among others.
Since the maximum speed is 20 mm/s, operate the actuator at a speed not exceeding this value.
Set a positioning band slightly longer than the last position, in order to absorb possible mechanical variation
of the work part.
“Completion of push action” is determined based on a combination of the current-limiting value set in the
“Push” field of the position table and the push completion judgment time set by parameter No. 6.
Set an appropriate condition by considering the material and shape of the load, among others.
For details, refer to Chapter 8, “Parameter Settings.”
x An over-load error occurs if a work part is pushed before reaching the target position.
Pay due attention to the relationship of the target position and the work part position.
x The actuator continues to push the work part at the push force at standstill determined
by the current-limiting value. Since the actuator is not inactive, exercise due caution
when handling the machine in this condition.
Moving distance
Positioning band
Target position
The position complete
signal turns ON here.
Moving distance
Target position
Positioning band
(maximum push distance)
The position complete signal turns ON here,
as completion of push action is recognized
after the load has been contacted.