Installation Instructions

4.3 Playback Mode
.3.1 Delete (Delete Current/ Delete All)
In the Playback Mode, press to enter the main menu.
In the Playback Mode menu, press to the “Delete option, when its background
color of turns blue, press [OK].
Press to choose delete current or all, and press [Cancel] / [OK] to confirm.
Note: If you want to delete an video, you must unlock it. Because locked files cannot be
4.3.2 Protect (Lock Current / Unlock Current / Lock All / Unlock All)
In the Playback Mode, press to enter the playback mode menu.
In the playback mode menu, press to switch the protect, when its background
color of turns blue, press [OK] to confirm.
Press to select choose one, and press [OK] to confirm.
4.4 System Setting
In the standby mode, press the twice to enter the menu of System Setting.
4.4.1 Date/ Time ( 2021/11/18 10:30:21 YY/MM/DD)