Tape Storage User Manual

v Do not expose the tape cartridge to moisture or direct sunlight.
v Do not expose recorded or blank cartridges to stray magnetic fields greater
than 100 oersteds (such as those existing near high-current cables or power
supplies). Such exposure can cause the loss of recorded data or make the
blank cartridge unusable.
Note: Do not attempt to degauss or ac bulk erase a tape cartridge.
Degaussing makes the tape cartridge unusable.
v Maintain the conditions that are described in Storage Environmenton
page 95 for all cartridges that are stored outside your operating
Stacking Cartridges
Cartridges are shipped with the reel in the vertical position. They should be
stored the same way. You can lay the cartridges flat temporarily while moving
them. The bottom of each cartridge has two raised areas that fit into the
indented label area on the top of another cartridge. This construction helps
prevent the cartridges from sliding while you move them.
Do not stack more than six cartridges. See Storage Environmenton page 95
for recommendations to store cartridges.
Cartridge Labels
Figure 20 shows all the label locations. The cartridge surface has recesses for
label attachment (see item 1).
Figure 20. Cartridge Label Locations
86 3590 Operator Guide