Tape Storage User Manual

Set Port 0 Address Menu
Table 13 shows the Set Port 0 Address menu.
Table 13. Set Port 0 Address
Function Next Menu
Cancel Set Address Menuon page 37
0 Options Menuon page 31
1 Options Menuon page 31
... Options Menuon page 31
F Options Menuon page 31
Note: Supplemental Message Line 1: Change made after Supplemental Message Line
2: next power on
Causes the Set Address Menuon page 37 to appear.
Allows the operator to set the address of SCSI port 0. The value can
be from 015 (16 addresses).
Note: You must select Reset Drive from the Services menu, press the
Reset push button or switch off power to the device, then
switch on power to activate the new address.
38 3590 Operator Guide