User Manual

Click this button to display/hide image control interface.
2.6.2 Original size
Click this button to go to original size. It is to display the actual size of the video stream. It depends on
the resolution of the bit stream.
2.6.3 Full screen
Click it to go to full-screen mode. Double click the mouse or click the Esc button to exit the full screen.
2.6.4 Width and height ratio
Click it to restore original ratio or suitable window.
2.6.5 Fluency Adjustment
There are three levels of fluency for you to select. The default is real-time with minimum delay. You may
select fluent mode in case connection is slow.
2.6.6 Zoom and Focus
Click it to open zoom and focus interface. See Figure 2-1312.
Note: It is for motorized zoom lens device only.
Figure 2-12