User's Manual

© IceRobotics Ltd 2012 Page 5 V0.15 EN(UK)Nov 2012
1.2 Minimum System Requirements to view CowAlert
Using your unique User ID and password you can access CowAlert from anywhere there is a reliable
internet connection and a modern web browser, whether that is the farm office or from the other
side of the world. There is no software to be installed and all updates are automated so the most
recent version will always be available. Accessing CowAlert through an internet broadband
connection is preferred as this provides good speed and reliability.
CowAlert can therefore be viewed on any internet-enabled device such as a PC, Mac, laptop or
tablet PC. It is suggested that equipment with a reasonable sized screen is used to ensure full benefit
from the advanced graphing capability.
Recommended web browsers include:
Firefox version 4
Google Chrome (this updates itself so the latest version should always be installed)
Internet Explorer 8
Safari for mobile devices