Instruction Manual

AIS settings
You can customize the AIS function in the Menu
screen .
1. Push [MENU]/[
], and then push [t] or [u] to
select the AIS menu.
2. Push [p] or [q] to select the item.
3. Push [ENTER]/[ ] to enter the option selection
4. Push [p], [q], [t], or [u] to select an option.
5. Push [ENTER]/[ ] to save the setting.
6. Push [MENU]/[ ] to exit the Menu screen.
D AIS menu
Display (Default: ON)
Turns the AIS Display function ON or OFF when the
MR-1010RII is in Transmitting (TX) mode.
OFF: Turn OFF the AIS display function.
ON: Turn ON the AIS display function.
Track (Default: OFF)
The plot displays the AIS target’s past positions as 5
dots, during each specied tracking interval.
You can specify the track interval in the “Track
Interval” item of the Target menu.
OFF: Turn OFF the Track display function.
ON: Turn ON the Track display function.
Name Display (Default: OFF)
Selects the AIS target display type.
• OFF: Does not display any name or
number of the target.
• Select: Displays the vessel name of the
selected target.
Active: Displays all active target numbers.
Auto Activate (Default: ON)
The Auto Activate function automatically turns the
sleeping AIS target into an activated target when the
AIS target is at the specied distance or angle.
You can specify the distance or angle in the next two
OFF: Turn OFF the Auto Activate function.
ON: Turn ON the Auto Activate function.
Auto Activate - Distance (Default: 1.0NM)
Sets the distance from your vessel to between 0.1
and 10.0 NM, to automatically turn the sleeping AIS
target into an activated target.
Auto Activate - Angle (Default: ±180°)
Sets the angle from your vessel between 5 to 180°
to automatically turn the sleeping AIS target into an
activated target.
New Target Warning (Default: OFF)
Sets whether the MR-1010RII gives a warning when
the Auto Activate function automatically turns the
sleeping AIS target into an activated target, or not.
OFF: Does not give a warning when the Auto
Activate function activates the target.
ON: Gives a warning when the Auto Activate
function activates the target.
Number of AIS (Default: 100)
Selects the maximum number of AIS targets that can
be displayed on the screen to between 10 and 100 in
1 target steps.
Slow Warn (Default: ON)
The AIS unit calculated COG (Course Over Ground)
data of a vessel that is at anchor or drifting is
unreliable, and therefore the CPA (Closest Point of
Approach) and TCPA (Time to CPA) data may not
be correctly calculated. If a vessel is anchored in
your alarm zone, the unreliable data can cause the
collision alarm to sound many times, even if there is
no real danger. To prevent this, when the anchored
vessel’s SOG (Speed Over Ground) is less than
this set value, the Slow Warn function assumes that
vessel’s COG is xed towards your vessel and an
alarm will sound.
OFF: Turn OFF the Slow Warn function.
ON: Turn ON the Slow Warn function.
Slow Warn Speed (Default: 0.1kn)
Selects the vessel’s speed to between 0.1 and 5.0
kn, in 0.1 kn steps.
MR-1010RII / Page 13-34