Operation Manual

Display In this item, set the transceiver’s display options.
LCD Contrast 0%~50%~100% Sets the contrast level of the LCD.
LCD Backlight 0%~50%~100% Sets the backlight level of the LCD.
Key Backlight 0%~50%~100% Sets the backlight level of the key.
Meter Peak Hold OFF or ON Turns the Meter Peak Hold function ON or OFF.
BW Popup (PBT) OFF or ON Selects whether or not to display the PBT shifting
value and the passband width while rotating the
TWIN-PBT control.
BW Popup (FIL) OFF or ON Selects whether or not to display the IF filter width
and shifting value when the IF filter is switched.
RX Call Sign Display OFF, Auto or Auto (RX Hold) Selects whether or not to display the call sign of
the caller station when a call is received.
RX Message Display OFF or Auto Selects whether or not to display and scroll a re-
ceived message.
Reply Position Display OFF or ON Selects whether or not to display the caller’s po-
sition data when the data is included in the Auto
Reply signal.
TX Call Sign Display OFF, Your Call Sign or My Call Sign Selects whether or not to display My or Your call
sign while transmitting.
Scroll Speed Slow or Fast Sets the scrolling speed of the message, call
sign, or other text, that are displayed on the
transceiver’s LCD.
VOICE TX Name Display OFF or ON Selects whether or not to display the voice TX
memory name on the “VOICE TX” screen.
KEYER Memory Display OFF or ON Selects whether or not to display the keyer mem-
ory contents on the “KEYER SEND” screen.
Opening Message OFF or ON Selects whether or not to display the opening
message at power ON.
Power ON Check OFF or ON Selects whether or not to display the RF Power,
RIT, Auto Power OFF condition at power ON.
Display Language English or Japanese Sets the screen display language type in the DR
mode or Menu mode.
When the System Language is “English,” this
item disappears.
System Language English or Japanese Sets the system language of the transceiver.
Time Set In this item, set the time options.
DATE 2000/01/01~2099/12/31 Sets the date.
TIME 0:00~23:59 Sets the time.
GPS Time Correct OFF or Auto Selects whether or not to automatically correct
the time data by a received GPS sentence.
UTC Offset –14:00~±0:00~+14:00 Sets the time difference between UTC (Universal
Time Coordinated) and the local time.
Clock Display Local or UTC Sets the clock display mode.
Auto Power OFF OFF, 30min, 60min, 90min or 120min Sets to automatically turn OFF the transceiver
power after no operation is made during this set
Set mode items and Default settings (Continued)
NOTE: The default settings shown below in bold are for the USA version.
The default settings may differ, depending on your transceiver version.