Operation Manual

Function (Continued)
TX Delay HF (Default: OFF)
TX Delay 50M (Default: OFF)
TX Delay 70M* (Default: OFF)
Sets the TX delay time on the HF, 50 or 70 MHz band.
• Options: OFF, 10ms, 15ms, 20ms, 25ms, or 30ms
L If an external equipment’s rise time is slower than
that of the IC-7300, a reected wave is produced
and it may damage the IC-7300. To prevent this, set
the appropriate delay time so that no reected wave
is produced.
LSelect “OFF” for no rise speed.
* Depending on the transceiver’s version, this item may not
be displayed.
Time-Out Timer (CI-V) (Default: OFF)
Sets the Time-out Timer for CI-V operation.
This setting is valid only transmitting initiated by a
CI-V command or pushing
• Options: OFF, 3, 5, 10, 20 or 30 minutes
LSelect “OFF” for no time limit.
Quick SPLIT (Default: ON)
Turns the Quick Split function ON or OFF.
• OFF: Turns OFF the function.
• ON: Turns ON the function.
FM SPLIT Offset (HF) (Default: –0.100 MHz)
FM SPLIT Offset (50M) (Default: –0.500 MHz)
Sets the frequency offset for the Split function in the
FM mode on the HF or 50 MHz band.
Range: –9.999 ~ +9.999 MHz
Turns the Split Lock function ON or OFF.
• OFF: Turns OFF the function.
• ON: Turns ON the function.
You can use
to adjust the transmit
frequency while holding down
, even
while the Dial Lock function is ON.
[TUNER] Switch (Default: Auto)
Selects whether or not to save the internal antenna
tuner’s status after pushing
on each band.
• Manual: The internal antenna tuner’s status is saved
on all bands.
• Auto: The internal antenna tuner’s status is saved
on each band.
PTT Start (Default: OFF)
Turns the PTT Start Tuning function ON or OFF.
OFF: Starts to tune only when
is ON.
ON: When
is ON and the operating
frequency is shifted more than 1%, starts to
tune when you push PTT.
<<Preset Memory Clear>>
Clears the all of the internal antenna tuner preset
RTTY Mark Frequency (Default: 2125)
Selects the RTTY mark frequency.
Options: 1275, 1615, or 2125 (Hz)
L When the internal RTTY decoder is used, 2125 Hz
is automatically selected.
RTTY Shift Width (Default: 170)
Selects the RTTY shift width.
Options: 170, 200, or 425 (Hz)
L When the internal RTTY decoder is used, 170 Hz is
automatically selected.
RTTY Keying Polarity (Default: Normal)
Selects the RTTY keying polarity.
• Normal: Key open/close = Mark/Space
• Reverse: Key open/close = Space/Mark
SPEECH Language (Default: English)
Selects the speech language.
• English: Speech in English.
• Japanese: Speech in Japanese.
SPEECH Speed (Default: Fast)
Selects the speech speed.
Slow: Speech speed is slow.
• Fast: Speech speed is fast.
S-Level SPEECH (Default: ON)
Turns the S-meter level announcement ON or OFF.
• OFF: The S-meter level is not announced.
The S-meter level and frequency are announced.
Turns the operating mode announcement ON or OFF.
• OFF: The operating mode is not announced.
ON: The operating mode is announced when the
mode is changed.