Operation Manual

Sub cmd.
Data Description
15 15 0000 to
Read VD meter
(0152=10 V, 0181=13 V, 0212=16 V)
16 0000 to
Read ID meter
(0000=0 A, 0097=10 A, 0241=25 A)
16 02 00 Preamp OFF
01 Preamp 1 ON
02 Preamp 2 ON
12 00 A
GC FAST selection
01 A
GC MID selection
02 A
GC SLOW selection
22 00 No
ise blanker OFF
01 No
ise blanker ON
32 00 A
udio peak filter OFF
01 A
udio peak filter WIDE ON
(320 Hz is selected when SHARP APF is set)
02 A
udio peak filter MID ON
(160 Hz is selected when SHARP APF is set)
03 A
udio peak filter NAR ON
(80 Hz is selected when SHARP APF is set)
40 00 No
ise reduction OFF
01 No
ise reduction ON
41 00 A
uto notch function OFF
01 A
uto notch function ON
42 00 Repeater tone OFF
01 Repeater tone ON
43 00 Tone squelch OFF
01 Tone squelch ON
44 00 Speech compressor OFF
01 Speech compressor ON
45 00 Mon
itor function OFF
01 Mon
itor function ON
46 00 V
OX function OFF
01 V
OX function ON
47 00 BK-IN funct
ion OFF
01 Sem
i BK-IN function ON
02 Full BK-IN funct
ion ON
48 00 Man
ual notch function OFF
01 Man
ual notch function ON
4F 00 T
win peak filter OFF
01 T
win peak filter ON
50 00 D
ial lock function OFF
01 D
ial lock function ON
19 00 Read the tr
ansceiver ID
1A 00 see p. 159 Send/read memory contents
01 see p. 157 Send/read band stac
king register contents
02 see p. 157 Send/read memory keyer contents
03 00 to 49 Send/read the selected filter w
( SSB, CW, PSK: 00=50 Hz, 40=3600 Hz;
RTTY: 00=50 Hz, 31=2700 Hz;
00=200 Hz, 49=10 kHz)
04 00 to 13 Send/read the selected A
GC time constant
(00=OFF, 01=0.1/0.3 sec., 13=6.0/8.0 sec.)
05 0001 see p. 120
Send/read SSB RX HPF/LPF
0002 00 to 10 Send/read SSB RX Tone (Bass) level
(00=–5, 10=+5)
0003 00 to 10 Send/read SSB RX Tone (Treble) level
(00=–5, 10=+5)
0004 see p. 120 Send/read AM RX HPF/LPF
0005 00 to 10 Send/read AM RX tone (Bass) level
(00=–5, 10=+5)
0006 00 to 10 Send/read AM RX Tone (Treble) level
(00=–5, 10=+5)
0007 see p. 120 Send/read FM RX HPF/LPF
0008 00 to 10 Send/read FM RX tone (Bass) level
(00=–5, 10=+5)
0009 00 to 10 Send/read FM RX Tone (Treble) level
(00=–5, 10=+5)
0010 see p. 121 Send/read CW RX HPF/LPF
0011 see p. 121
Send/read RTTY RX
0012 see p. 121
Send/read PSK RX
0013 00 to 10 Send/read SSB TX Tone (Bass) level
(00=–5, 10=+5)
0014 00 to 10 Send/read SSB TX Tone (Treble) level
(00=–5, 10=+5)
Sub cmd.
Data Description
1A 05 0015 00 to 10 Send/read AM TX Tone (Bass) level
(00=–5, 10=+5)
0016 00 to 10 Send/read AM TX Tone (Treble) level
(00=–5, 10=+5)
0017 00 to 10 Send/read FM TX Tone (Bass) level
(00=–5, 10=+5)
0018 00 to 10 Send/read FM TX Tone (Treble) level
(00=–5, 10=+5)
0019 see p. 122 Send/read SSB
TX bandwidth for WIDE
0020 see p. 122 Send/read SSB
TX bandwidth for MID.
0021 see p. 122 Send/read SSB
TX bandwidth for NARROW
0022 0000 to
Send/read DRIVE ga
(0000=0%, 0255=100%)
0023 0000 to
Send/read speech level
(0000=0%, 0255=100%)
0024 0000 to
Send/read CW s
idetone level
(0000=0%, 0255=100%)
0025 00 CW s
idetone level limit OFF
01 CW s
idetone level limit ON
0026 0000 to
Send/read beep level
(0000=0%, 0255=100%)
0027 00 Beep le
vel limit OFF
01 Beep le
vel limit ON
0028 00 Squelch m
ute effect OFF (squelch is fixed
open) for audio output from USB-B connector
01 Squelch m
ute effect ON for audio output from
USB-B connector
0029 0000 to
Send/read modulat
ion level for audio input to
USB-B connector (0000=0%, 0255=100%)
0030 00 [MIC] select
ion for MOD input connector dur-
01 [A
CC] selection for MOD input connector dur-
02 Both [MIC] and [A
CC] selection for MOD
input connector during DATA OFF
03 [USB] select
ion for MOD input connector dur-
0031 00 [MIC] select
ion for MOD input connector dur-
ing DATA1
01 [A
CC] selection for MOD input connector dur-
ing DATA1
02 Both [MIC] and [A
CC] selection for MOD
input connector during DATA1
03 [USB] select
ion for MOD input connector dur-
ing DATA1
0032 00 [MIC] select
ion for MOD input connector dur-
ing DATA2
01 [A
CC] selection for MOD input connector dur-
ing DATA2
02 Both [MIC] and [A
CC] selection for MOD
input connector during DATA2
03 [USB] select
ion for MOD input connector dur-
ing DATA2
0033 00 [MIC] select
ion for MOD input connector dur-
ing DATA3
01 [A
CC] selection for MOD input connector dur-
ing DATA3
02 Both [MIC] and [A
CC] selection for MOD
input connector during DATA3
03 [USB] select
ion for MOD input connector dur-
ing DATA3
0034 00 Lead select
ion for SEND relay type
01 MOS-FET select
ion for SEND relay type
0035 00 A
uto selection for external meter output
01 S (rece
iving signal strength) selection for ex-
ternal meter output
02 P
o (RF power) selection for external meter
03 SWR select
ion for external meter output
04 ALC select
ion for external meter output
05 COMP select
ion for external meter output
06 Vd select
ion for external meter output
07 Id select
ion for external meter output
0036 0000 to
Send/read external meter output level
(see p. 125)
D Command table (continued)