Operation Manual

D Scope set mode (continued)
Sweep Speed (± 25k) FAST
Select the sweep speed for the ±25 kHz span selec-
tion from SLOW, MID and FAST.
Sweep Speed (± 50k) FAST
Select the sweep speed for the ±50 kHz span selec-
tion from SLOW, MID and FAST.
Sweep Speed (± 100k) FAST
Select the sweep speed for the ±100 kHz span
selection from SLOW, MID and FAST.
Sweep Speed (± 250k) FAST
Select the sweep speed for the ±250 kHz span
selection from SLOW, MID and FAST.
Fixed Edges ( 0.03 1.60) 0.750 1.250 MHz
Set the scope edge frequencies for fixed mode for
bands below 1.6 MHz.
Set the frequencies within 0.030 to 1.600 MHz
range in 1 kHz steps.
As edge frequencies are set, the other edge fre-
quency will be automatically set for a display band
width of 5 kHz to a maximum of 500 kHz.
Fixed Edges ( 1.60 2.00) 1.800 2.000 MHz
Set the scope edge frequencies for fixed mode
scope when the 1.6 to 2 MHz band is selected.
Set the frequencies within 1.600 to 2.000 MHz
range in 1 kHz steps.
Fixed Edges ( 2.00 6.00) 3.500 4.000 MHz
Set the scope edge frequencies for fixed mode
scope when the 2 to 6 MHz band is selected.
Set the frequencies within 2.000 to 6.000 MHz
range in 1 kHz steps.
As edge frequencies are set, the other edge fre-
quency will be automatically set for a display band
width of 5 kHz to a maximum of 500 kHz.
Fixed Edges ( 6.00 8.00) 7.000 7.300 MHz
Set the scope edge frequencies for fixed mode
scope when the 6 to 8 MHz band is selected.
Set the frequencies within 6.000 to 8.000 MHz
range in 1 kHz steps.
As edge frequencies are set, the other edge fre-
quency will be automatically set for a display band
width of 5 kHz to a maximum of 500 kHz.