User Manual

Entering a Call channel data
You can enter data in Call channel in each channel group for
quick recall.
q Select the desired channel group (INT, USA, CAN, ATIS,
or DSC) to be entered. (p. 12)
w Hold down [16/C] for 1 second to select the Call channel of
the selected channel group.
• “CALL and the Call channel number is displayed.
e Hold down [16/C] again for 3 seconds (until a long beep
changes to 2 short beeps) to enter the Call channel entry
r Rotate Dial or push []/[] to select a channel.
t Push [ENT] to save the displayed channel as the Call
Push [CLEAR] to cancel.
Entering a Channel name
Enter a name of up to 10 characters.
Capital letters, 0 to 9, some symbols, (! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , .
/ [ \ ] ^ _ : ; < = > ?) and a space can be entered.
q Push []/[](CH) to select a channel.
First, cancel the Dualwatch, Tri-watch or Scan function, if acti-
w Push [NAME] to open the channel name enter screen.
• A cursor is displayed on the first character.
e Enter the desired channel name in the following manner:
• Select a desired character using Dial, or []/[]/[]/[].
• Push [ENT] or Dial to set it.
To move the cursor, select either arrow, ” or “, then push
[ENT] or Dial.
• Push [123], [!$?], or [ABC] to select a character group.
• Select “SPACE,” then push [ENT] to enter a space.
• Select “DELETE, then push [ENT] to delete a character.
• Push [CLEAR] to cancel and return to the previous screen.