User Manual

Making a Distress call (Continued)
t After transmitting the call, the transceiver waits for an ac-
knowledgment call.
The Distress call is automatically transmitted every 3.5 to 4.5
minutes, until an acknowledgement is received (‘Call repeat’
mode), or DSC cancel call is made. (p. 29)
• Push [RESEND] to manually transmit the Distress repeat call.
Push []/[] then push [INFO] to display the transmitted Dis-
tress call information.
Push []/[] then push [PAUSE] to pause the ‘Call repeat’ mode,
push [RESUME] to resume it.
y After receiving an acknowledgment call, push [ALARM
OFF] then reply using the microphone.
A distress alert contains:
• Nature of distress: Selected in step w.
Position information: The latest GPS or manually entered
position is held for 23.5 hours, or until
the power is turned OFF.
When no GPS receiver is connected and built-in GPS re-
ceiver* is not receiving valid position data, and both posi-
tion and time have been manually entered, the screen as
shown below is displayed. Edit your latitude and longitude
position and UTC time as follows:
*For only IC-M423G and IC-M424G.
Push [CHG], then edit your latitude and longitude posi-
tion and UTC time.
• Select a desired number using Dial, or [Y]/[Z]/[]/[].
• Push [ENT] or Dial to set it.
To move the cursor, select either arrow, or “,” then push
[ENT] or Dial.
Select N (North latitude) or S (South latitude) when the cursor
is on the ‘N’ or ‘S’ position.
Select W (West longitude) or E (East longitude) when the cur-
sor is on the ‘W’ or ‘E’ position.