User's Guide

Two important elements must be considered when choosing the installation site: the distance between
the post and the centre of the traffic lane (or the separation between the lanes for bidirectional
measurements, see Figure 1) and the height of the radar installation.
In general, the distance cannot be changed, it depends on the post or mast, which are often fixed.
Figure 1: distance to the axis, unidirectional - bidirectional
The height is measured between the roadway and the base of the radar (bottom edge of the housing). It is
chosen as a function of the distance, as indicated on page 11.
b. Positioning the mounting bracket
The movable bracket is mounted on a signpost or other vertical support.
Ensure that the support plate is well parallel to the road thanks to the alignment tool supplied with the
equipment (for easily aligning the bracket). The spirit level enables you to check that post is
vertical/parallel to the ground.
Figure 2: alignment tool
Place the viewfinder on the bracket and measure the distance between the post and the road. Record the
same distance 15 m further away and place an object (a traffic cone with a marker, for example) that
allows you to sight parallel to the road. Once the object is aligned in the viewfinder, firmly secure the
bracket to the post and check the alignment again to make sure the bracket has not moved while it was
being secured.
Figure 3: mounting bracket
Once the movable bracket has been mounted, the radar can be installed as shown in Figure 4 and Figure 5 :