User's Guide

The radar packaging has been designed and developed specifically for the TMS-SA in order to give it
the best possible protection during transportation.
Please retain the packaging box for any return to the manufacturer. The guarantee only applies for
radars sent in their original box.
A replacement box can be obtained from the manufacturer for a price of 20 EUR, plus shipping
This equipment contains electronic components that require precautions to be taken for
transportation and installation. Observe the following recommendations during use and storage:
Do not apply any stickers to the front of the equipment (cover). This could interfere with the
operation of the radar.
Avoid shocks during transportation and handling.
Never use cables, power supplies, chargers or other accessories other than those supplied
with the equipment, failure to do so can void the guarantee.
During storage, do not place any other materials on top of the equipment.
In order to preserve the battery, do not store the equipment at a temperature lower than
10° C. If the temperature falls below this limit, leave the radar on permanent charge.
To ensure the life of your batteries, make sure that they are not left longer than 60 days
without charging. Do not store the TMS-SA with discharged batteries.
A defective battery may emit gas that is potentially explosive.
o Charge you battery in an open environment:
If your radar has an external connector on the housing: remove the safety
screws and open the top while charging the batteries;
If your radar hasn’t any external connector on the housing: remove the
safety screws. You can then open the top and connect the charger to the
battery pack. Leave the top open while charging the batteries;
In both cases, do not touch the antenna: it is an Electrostatic-Sensitive
Once your batteries are charged, close the top carefully:
do not touch the wiring;
fasten the safety screws without force.
o Check regularly your batteries: inflated battery, white deposit on the connector
plates, acid or gel leak, warm battery during the charging process, are signs which