User Manual

10 Appendix
10-1 Troubleshooting
Q1How to turn off the Tablet PC when the halted system cannot warm boot?
APress the POWER button and hold 4 or 6 seconds to turn off the Tablet PC.
Q2How to check the Tablet PC if the Tablet PC cannot be turned on?
1. Make sure the indicator of the adapter turns on and the adapter works well.
2. Remove other exte rnal device.
Q3If the water come into the Tablet PC
1. DO NOT turn on the Tablet PC.
2. Disconnect the outlet cable in order to turn off the Tablet PC, i nstead of pressing the
POWER button to turn off it. Disconnect all external devices.
3. Spill out the water from the Tablet PC. Use a soft and waterish paper or cloth to
wipe the surface of the Tablet PC lightly.
4. Use the fanner to dry the Tablet PC and the accessories, and then send to the
service center for advice.
5. DO NOT place the Tablet PC into the dirty carrying case to again.
Q4Why the system cannot be recover?
1. Damage from External memory or built-in memory: If the data are saved to an error
memory address, the data cannot restore.
2. Incompatible external device: The system may enter the standby mode and cannot
resume, when the incompatible external device is connected to the Tablet PC.
3. Error from drive program or application program: The system may refuse to operate
some files (file formats: .dll, .sys, .exe and so on.) and enter the standby mode or
hibernate mode. If the incompatible application program will be refused by the
operating system, the system may fail to recover.
Q5How to check the system which cannot recover?
1. Remove the exte rnal devices and their device program.
2. Refresh the appropriate program.
3. Remove the error application program.
4. Send back the Tablet PC for checking.