User's Manual

Control Element Setup in User-Dened Mode
QconPro X software panel
There are controls including faders, knobs, buttons and jog wheel etc. on
QconPro X that you could set your own MIDI messages. Four types of
message including “Pitch”, “Note” & “CC” value you may adjust depended
on the control element. Please refer to the below table for different control
available setting values.
Also, according to your using DAW, select the control protocol (MCP or HUI)
in order to create the communication bridge between your QconPro X to
the DAW. Please refer to below table for the suggested control protocol for
different DAW.
“Suggest protocol for different DAW”
Nuend MCP
Cubase MCP
Logic Pro X MCP
Samplitude Pro MCP
Ableton Live MCP
Pro Tools HUI
Reaper MCP
Studio One MCP
Reason MCP
Bitwig MCP