User's Manual

<<<<<<<<< Getting Started >>>>>>>>>
When rst opening a blank project inCubase, we are looking at the ProjectWindow.
Add channels to your project here, and you will see the motor faders jump into position.
Each Icon control surface has one physical bank consisting of 8 channel strip controls.
Each channel strip corresponds to controls for one channel in your DAW. The channel
name appears on the display above each channel. Touch a fader and adjust the
channel’s volume. Change a channel’s volume in Cubase and the corresponding motor
fader will adjust itself. You can balance the volume of multiple faders on the control
surface simultaneously – already a huge mixing advantage of using a control surface.
Press the Bank up / down buttons to scroll through further channels in the project in
xed blocks of 8.The Channel up / down buttons stepthe currently selected channelone
channel at a time.
The 9th fader on your control surface is the Master Faderand always commands the
master level, which engages after the output stage of the project, so after any plugins
used on the output sum.This is advantageous for several classic mixing techniques and
effectively regulates your monitor volume.