User's Manual

To quickly load and edit an instrument, press Instrument, then turn Encoder Knob 3, press
Channel down and then edit parameters on all Encoder Knobs.
Page 01
Instrument Slot# Instrument Bypass Select Instrument
Insert parameters appear automatically assigned across the Encoder Knobs
<<<<< Send >>>>>
FX Send Assignment Mode: (Page Up, FX Send)
Use the FX Send Assignment Mode to adjust send amount, bypass, toggle pre/post fader, and set
FX channel insert effects.
To quickly create and edit an FX Send, press FX Send, then turn Encoder Knob 3, press Channel
down and then edit parameters on all Encoder Knobs.
Page 01
FX Channel # Send Bypass Select Plug-In
Insert parameters appear automatically assigned across the Encoder Knobs
Send Focus Mode: (Select a channel - Send - Page Down)
Edit the send parameters of 8 sends at once for the selected channel. Press Channel up/down to
browse parameters:
Send Amount
Send Bypass
Send Pre/Post Fader
Send Bus Destination
Send Mixer Mode:(Send - Select a channel - Shift+ Page Down)
Edit advanced parameters with the Encoder Knobs on their respective channels. Repeatedly
press Shift+ Page Down to toggle through FX Send 1-8. Each Encoder Knob is set to a different
function. Browse parameters with Channel up/down:
Send Amount
Pre/Post Fader
Send Panning
Bus Destination
Bypass All Sends