User's Manual

Send Assignment Mode:(Send)
Use the Send Assignment Mode to set send destinations and adjust send amounts for the
selected channel.Cursor Arrows up/down change the selected send slot number.Cursor Arrows
left/right select a parameter.Press Shift+Mute to toggle send bypass. Press Flip to control the
selected parameters on the faders, and while Flip is engaged, pressMute to toggle send bypass.
Press Solo (channel) to toggle send Pre/Post.
Send Focus Mode:(Send- Send)
Press Sendtwice to enter Send Focus Mode, and edit multiple parameters for the selected
channel. Each Encoder Knob is set to a different function. The left/right Cursor Arrows browse
pages of send slots. The rst page displays send slot 1 & 2, page 2 displays send slot 3 & 4, and
so on.
Send 1:
Encoder Knob 1 = Select send destination
Encoder Knob 2 = Adjust send amount
Encoder Knob 3 = Set send pre/post fader
Encoder Knob 4 = Toggle send bypass
Send 2:
Encoder Knob 5 = Select send destination
Encoder Knob 6 = Adjust send amount
Encoder Knob 7 = Set send pre/post fader
Encoder Knob 8 = Toggle send bypass
Send Assignment Shortcuts:
Hold Send to display the shortcut menu.Here you can select which parameter will appear on the
LCD display and can be edited by the Encoder Knobs in Send Assignment Mode.
Encoder Knob 1 or F1 = Send destination
Encoder Knob 2 or F2 = Send amount
Encoder Knob 3 or F3 = Send pre/post fader
Encoder Knob 4 or F4 = Toggle sendbypass
Encoder Knob 5 or F5 = ActivatesSend Focus Mode
Encoder Knob 6 or F6 = Activates Multiple SendFocus Mode
Encoder Knob 7 or F7 = Activates Destination/Level Mixer Mode
Encoder Knob 8 or F8 = Activates Destination/Level Focus Mode
Multiple Send Focus Mode:(Send+ F6)
This mode is forintegrating complex bus routing during the rough mix or production, adjusting
bothvolume balance and complex sends at once.
Encoder Knobs 1 to 8 edit the selected send parameter for sends 1 to 8 on the selected track.The
left/right Cursor Arrows change the selected parameter: