User's Manual

<<<<<<<<< Advanced Conguration >>>>>>>>>
After successful control surface setup with your Icon control surface and expansion banks, go to
Logic Pro X ->Control Surfaces -> Setup for manual conguration.
Touch Fader to Select Track:
Check “activate touch faders activates track” to enable instant track selection when touching a
fader. By default this feature is off, and the Select buttons are used to select a channel.
Fader Touch Sensitivity:
In the setup window under “Mackie Control” is a settingfor fader touch sensitivity. 0 makes the
faders slightly less responsive and 5 is the maximum sensitivity.
Control Surface Group Parameters:
These settings impact all fader banks.This is the recommended default setup:
Flip Mode: Off(“Mute”disables motor faders. Press Flip to restore)
Display Mode: Value
Clock Display: SMPTE
Channel Strip View Mode: Arrange
Fader Bank for Tracks View: 0
Fader Bank for All View: 0
Channel Strip Parameter: Automation
Surround Parameter: Angle
EQ Band: 3
EQ Parameter: Gain
All EQs Parameter Page: 0
Send Slot: 1
Send Parameter: Destination
All Sends Parameter Page: 0
Split: no. of upper parameters: 0
Instrument Parameter Page: 0
Inst Param Page (Split Lower): 0
Insert Type: Audio (“MIDI” changes Plug-In Assignment to instead access MIDI FX)
Insert Slot: 1
Insert Type (Split Lower): Audio
Plug-in Parameter Page: 0
Channel Strip Track: 262145
Channel Strip Track (Split Lower): 262145
Track Lock: (No)
Track Name Format: Name
Parameter Page Shift Mode: By Page (“By Parameter”changes Cursor Arrows menu style)
Relative Change Mode: Coarse (“Full”, “Fine”changes Encoder Knobs edit style)
Mix Group: 1
Group Parameter Page: 0