User's Manual

FastForward= Shuttle forward in Arrangement View
Rewind =Shuttle backwards in Arrangement View
Cycle = Toggle the playback loop cycle on/off
Channel Bank Options:
Bank up/down = Scroll through tracks in the project in xed blocks of 8
Channel up/down = Step the current bank by one track
Shift + Bank up/down = Scroll bank to rst or last track
Shift + Channel up/down = Scroll bank to rst or last track
Channel Strip Buttons:
Rec (channel) = Arms a singletrack for recording.
!! To allow multiple track recording, in Ableton Live go to Preferences ->Misc and deactivate
“Exclusive Track Arming”
Solo = Engage Solo for a singletrack
!! To allow multiple tracks insolo, in Ableton Live go to Preferences ->Misc and deactivate
“Exclusive Track Soloing”
Mute = Engage Mute for one or multiple tracks
Select = Focuses and selects the track
Fader Lock:
Lock Mix
to disable touch sensitive changes to fader position. Automation
remains active. This is useful to secure a nished mix.
Time Display:
Thedigitaltime displayshows the current play position, either in bars and beats or in SMPTE
time code format. Press SMPTE/Beatstotoggle readoutformats on the time display.
View Shortcuts:
Session/Arrange= Toggle Arrangement View and Session View
Track/Clip = Toggle Clip View and Track View
Browser = Show/hide the Browser
Clip Detail = Show/hide the Clip/Track View