Operation Manual

If your receiver seems to be malfunctioning, please check the
following points before sending it to a service center.
No power comes on.
No sound comes from the
Sensitivity is low and only
strong signals are audible.
Frequency cannot be set.
No beep sound.
Receive audio is distorted.
Desired set mode item
cannot be selected.
Programmed scan does
not start.
Memory or bank scan
does not start.
The batteries are exhausted.
The battery polarity is reversed.
•Volume level is too low.
Squelch level is set too tight.
Different tone is selected with tone squelch.
Attenuator function is activated.
RF gain setting is too low for SSB/CW modes.
The lock function is activated.
Beep tones are turned OFF or the beep tone level
is too low.
The operating mode is not selected correctly.
“EXPAND” item is set to OFF.
Program scan edges are not programmed.
None or only one memory or bank channel is pro-
Replace the batteries or charge the battery pack.
Check the battery polarity.
Rotate [R-DIAL] or push [Y] to obtain a suitable level.
While pushing [SQL], rotate [R-DIAL] to set the
squelch level.
•Turn the appropriate function OFF.
Push [ATT] for 1 sec. to turn the attenuator function
Push [RF GAIN] for 1 sec., then rotate [R-DIAL] to
select “MAX” level.
Push [• LOCK] for 1 sec. to turn the function OFF.
•Turn beep tone ON or set the beep tone level to ap-
propriate level in set mode.
Push [MODE SCAN] several times to select a suit-
able operating mode.
•Turn “EXPAND” item ON.
Program a pair of scan edge channels.
Program at least 2 memory or bank channels
pgs. 8–10
p. 8
p. 17
p. 18
p. 45
p. 19
p. 19
p. 16
p. 51
p. 16
p. 49
p. 36
pgs. 26,