Operation Manual

D Dial select step (D SEL)
Select the tuning step between 100 kHz, 1 MHz and 10 MHz
for a temporary faster frequency setting. To set a frequency
with the increased tuning step, hold down [FUNC], and then
rotate [DIAL]
. (default: 1M)
D Priority watch (PRIO)
Set the priority watch or priority beep (priority watch with
beep sounds) to ON. (default: OFF)
• OFF : Turns the function OFF.
• ON : Starts priority watch after exiting the Set mode.
• BELL : When a signal is received on the priority fre-
quency, beeps sound and the S icon blinks.
D Key-touch beep (BEEP)
The key-touch beep can be turned OFF for silent operation.
(default: ON)
D Beep output level (BEEPLV)
Adjust the key-touch beep tone level to one of 40 set levels,
or set it to follow the volume control level.
(default: VOLUME)
VOLUME : The beep tone level is linked to the vol-
ume set level.
• _ _ _ _ _ _ – o o o o o o
: The beep tone level is independently
adjustable to one of 40 levels.
The key-touch beep (previous item) must be set to ON in
order to have a beep tone.