User Manual

In the screen shot above, we're looking at the mix going to Analog Outs 1&2 on the red
But sometimes you want each output pair to have an independent mix, maybe for stage
and house, or cueing, or studio and control room - there are all kinds of reasons.
The same four pairs from the patchbay are available in the same positions on the yellow
tab, which is going to Analog Outs 3&4, and the green tab has the same ones for the
Note that the mixer sources and outputs shown on the Patchbay can also be viewed in
the audio Mixer, as shown on the next page.
The cutout Source and Destination choice boxes shown on the page are accessed one
at a time by clicking on the white source name (e.g. U1:1|U1:2). Changes made here
are reflected in the Audio Patchbay and vice versa.