User Manual

User Guide v1.0
PlayAUDIO12 Failover Redundancy
How the PlayAUDIO12's Failover System Works
Your PlayAUDIO12 unit comes equipped with two discrete failover mechanisms:Automatic Failover and
Manual Failover. This failover redundancy is designed to ensure that your backup system can always be
engaged instantly and seamlessly, whether via auto-detection or through manual switching. Taking advant-
age of both of these failover mechanisms is recommended for all live performance scenarios.
Automatic Failover uses a test tone sent from your DAW to establish an audio-recognition sync lock
between your primary playback device and your PlayAUDIO12 interface on a dedicated internal audio
channel. Once armed, the PlayAUDIO12 instantly switches to your secondary device if any break in the
test tone signal is detected, providing a seamless failover to your backup system without audio or MIDI
Manual Failover allows you to connect a footswitch to the PlayAUDIO12's Control In jack and instantly
switch between your primary and backup computers on the fly, enabling you to manually move to your
backup system in the event of an emergency, or if you anticipate an issue with your primary system before
it actually occurs.
How to Arm the PlayAUDIO12 for Automatic Failover
A test tone generator is required to arm the PlayAUDIO12 for Automatic Failover. If a test tone generator
isn't included with your Digital Audio Workstation, download and install iConnectivity's LifeSine test tone
plugin from
Follow the steps below to arm the PlayAUDIO12 for automatic failover and test your unit's failover cap-
1. Connect Computer A (your primary playback device) to USB Device Port 1.
2. Connect Computer B (your failover playback device) to USB Device Port 2.
3. Verify that the PlayAUDIO12 is set to Scene A (green LED indicator). If the LED indicator light is red
(indicating that Scene B is active), touch the Scene LED once to toggle the button state and make
Scene A the active scene.
Figure 2: Scene A must be the active Scene on the PlayAUDIO12 to arm the unit for Automatic Failover