User's Manual

Managing Your iControl Devices
Your iControl Lamp module provides a convenient automated lighting solution for your
home or business. A lamp can be turned on or off from your Keychain Remote, your
personal web portal, via automation, or with a schedule. For example, you can have lights
turn on or off based on room occupancy, motion, or time of use. You can schedule the
lights controlled by a Lamp module to come on and off, depending on the time of the day
and day of the week. You can even set the brightness of your lamp so the Lamp module
can also serve as a dimmer.
Your Lamp Module
Your iControl Lamp module provides a convenient automated lighting solution for your
home or business. A lamp can be turned on or off from your Keychain Remote, your
personal web portal, via automation, or with a schedule. For example, you can have lights
turn on or off based on room occupancy, motion, or time of use. You can schedule the
lights controlled by a Lamp module to come on and off, depending on the time of the day
and day of the week. You can even set the brightness of your lamp so the Lamp module
can also serve as a dimmer.