User's Manual

Printed Documentation
Installing Your Z-Wave Lamp Module
To install a Z-Wave Lamp module, follow these steps:
1. Click on the System tab of your personal web portal.
2. Click on the Add Device button to open the Add Device window.
3. Choose the technology for the device (Z-Wave).
4. Click the Launch Assistant button and follow the directions to complete the
installation of your Z-Wave Lamp module.
Troubleshooting Tips for Installing Your Z-Wave Lamp Module
Initial installation of the Z-Wave Lamp Module is done in a low powered mode. Because
of this, the iControl Box may have trouble locating the Z-Wave device. If you're
experiencing this difficulty please try the following steps:
1. Confirm that the Z-Wave Lamp Module you're trying to install is within two
to three feet of the iControl Box. After initial installation is complete, the
Lamp Module May be moved to its final location.
2. Try changing the orientation of the iControl Box. This can mean turning
the iControl Box on its side, or moving it lower or higher in relation to the
Z-Wave Lamp Module. Z-Wave is an RF frequency so imagine that you're
moving an antenna to improve reception.