User's Manual

VP5300M User Manual
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11. Pairing with PIN Pad
The VP5300M is designed to be paired with ID TECH's SmartPIN L100 or
keypads to create a full chip- and-PIN solution. Follow the
pairing procedures below to use the L100 or L80 with the VP5300M.
First, set up the L100 for paired operation by specifying two user
passwords; then set up the VP5300M; and then, finally, pair the two
11.1. Setting up the L100
1. Cycle the power to the insert reader (unplug the power from the
USB cable and plug it back in).
2. After plugging the power into the USB cable again, you have only
2 seconds to begin entering the special pairing command on the
keypad (otherwise, you'll need to cycle the power again). To get
into the special menu, press the following keys in this order:
3. The L100 will start beeping to indicate that the user passwords
are not yet set, and the LCD screen will prompt to enter a
4. Enter default Password A: 12345678. Make sure the device beeps
after each button is pressed to register the input. After
correctly entering the default Password A, the device beeps
5. Enter a new user-created Password 1 to replace Password A. The
new Password 1 must be eight digits (for example: 11111111).
After entering the new Password 1, the device beeps twice to
confirm the input. Make a note of the new Password 1 in your
6. The device will prompt to reenter the password. Enter the new
Password 1 again to confirm it. After entering the new Password 1
a second time, the device beeps twice to confirm successful
7. Next, enter default Password B: 87654321. Make sure the device
beeps after each button is pressed to register the input. After
entering the default Password B correctly, the device beeps
8. Enter a new user-generated Password 2 to replace Password B. The
new Password 2 must be 8 digits and must be different from
Password 1 (for example: 22222222). After entering the new
Password 2, the device beeps twice to confirm successful
verification. Make a note of the new Password 2 in your records.