Installation Instructions

Spring Winding
A sudden release of the springs could result
in severe injury. Proceed with caution, follow-
ing these instructions carefully. Before wind-
ing any tension on springs, make sure door is
securely locked down with a vise-grip placed
on vertical track above a roller. Always use
proper size winding bars. Never use screw-
drivers or any tool too large or too small. They
may break and cause serious injury. Stand to
the side of winding bars while winding
Draw a straight chalk line across spring. This will
indicate the number of turns on spring as you wind.
Springs will get longer when wound. Using two cold
rolled steel winding bars about 18" long (not sup-
plied) that fit snugly in the winding plug holes, wind
the springs toward ceiling as shown. (FIG. 1-TOR &
3-TOR) Low headroom double track doors: wind
springs toward the floor (down) instead of up.
See instructions on pages 23 & 24. Wind springs the
number of turns shown on the hardware box label.
Stretch the springs the width of two coils then
tighten set screws. This is done by putting the two
winding bars on opposite sides of the winding plug
and pulling towards drum.
At this point, springs are fully wound. Springs
should stretch easily. Do not force, as it could
break the winding plug and cause injury.
Set Screws
Torque Tube: Tighten set screws enough to
dimple shaft, about 1
/4 turns after set screws first
hit shaft.
Solid Shaft: Do not exceed
/2 turn after coming
in contact with shaft.
To finish door installation, refer to your specific type
of track. Final spring tension adjustments should be
made after installation is completed. Always adjust
springs with door closed and locked.