User Manual

Document #7201-001, Rev C Page 21
Setting to cause tags entering the zone to blink (dependent on Inhibit Time!)
Blink If this check box is marked off, each newly-recognized tag will blink. If
Inhibit Time is activated (>0), it must first elapse for the tag (reentering the
zone) to blink again.
Read data:
Settings for i-PORT to read data from tags (mark off check box)
Start Address Address from which i-PORT begins to read data
Num of Bytes Number of bytes that are read starting from the Start Address
Power Boost Additional output power required for read process
Retries Number of maximum attempts to read data
Tag power saving:
Settings for i-PORT to send tags into Sleep Mode (mark off check box)
Mode 3 possibilities: “Sleep”, “Mute” or “Both”
Sleep, Mute, Both (i-Q): All 3 settings have the same effect for i-Q tags (sleep).
For this duration, the tags can no longer be communicated with (also from other
i-PORTs). After this time span has expired, the tags become available again.
Sleep (i-D): The tag cannot be communicated with for the duration of the sleep
time. If after the sleep time a renewed sleep signal is received from the same
i-PORT, the tag will again go into sleep mode. If no signal is received from the
same i-PORT or if a signal is received from a different i-PORT, the tag returns to
normal mode.
Mute (i-D): Tags receive a signal, but give no answer for the duration of the
“mute”. If the tag receives a renewed signal from the same i-PORT, the time will be
re-triggered. Otherwise, the tag returns to normal mode, as it likewise does if it
receives a signal from a different i-PORT.
Both (i-D): Combination of Sleep and Mute!
Duration Duration of the Sleep/Mute mode
i-PORT settings which determine which tag types to interrogate, and how.
Tag Type 3 possibilities: “i-Q”, “i-D” and “Both”
Depends on which tags need to be interrogated.
Mode 3 possibilities: “Normal”, “Max. Level” and “In/Out”
Normal: A tag is detected when it enters the zone
Max. Level: Tag detection at maximum field strength (see also “Detection
In/Out: Orientation recognition activated (Antenna 1…In, Antenna 2…Out,
Antenna 3…In, Antenna 4…Out)
Detection Time Max. Level Mode: Detection of tag at largest recorded field strength value
within the detection time interval
In/Out Mode: Detection of tag and calculation of orientation after detection
time interval
Inhibit Time If a previously interrogated tag leaves the zone for longer than the Inhibit
Time, it will be recognized as a new tag when it reenters the zone. If the tag
reenters the zone before expiration of the Inhibit Time, this time is reset as
if the tag had never left the zone